Conversations With God Book 2 Audiobook Free Download UPDATED

Conversations With God Book 2 Audiobook Free Download

Profile Image for Kelly

  • Kelly
  • 05-04-09

Oh come up on!

Loved Book 1, actually believed that Mr. Walsch had that "conversation" with God, because many of his points and explanations for things unseen made perfect sense as "God" explained them. Withal, Book 2 is a little difficult to consume. God recommends a particular private schoolhouse equally the best one for our kids? God quotes regime statistics to argue His points? Trust me, I actually want to believe that a chat with God is possible, just I found myself rolling my eyes and shaking my caput far too much while listening to Book two. There is a Book 3 only I am reluctant to buy information technology after listening to Book two. Book 2 took abroad much of the promise and enlightenment I felt after listening to Book ane and replaced it with more of the same old skepticism and dubiety.

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Profile Image for Judy S

  • Judy S
  • 04-eleven-19


This second book in the CWG series is, well, astounding. These books are transformative and I go on listening to them over and over. The ideas here could truly change the world, ane person at a fourth dimension. I highly recommend this book (and the other ii in the series).

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Profile Image for Katelyn

  • Katelyn
  • 07-04-12

My least favorite of the 3 but I still good!

I do take to say of all three books this ane was the slowest moving for me. Yet, that doesn't take away from how much I have enjoyed these books. I have said it on all 3 of my reviews for these books that these are not for those who are not open up minded spiritually. I had a hard time at times trying to grasp what the author was trying to go across and I consider myself a very open minded person. SPOILER++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
For instance, in this book "God" states that Hitler is in heaven. At first I had a very hard fourth dimension swallowing this. I about pulled over on the side of the road ( I unremarkably listen while driving because I travel much for my chore) considering I was kind of irritated at first for the thought of saying that. I felt very mad that someone would even advise someone like Hitler would be in heaven. I had to pull myself away from my preconcieved notions and offset the chapter over once again because I felt I was being close minded which was non what I wanted to do with the book. It definitely continues to build on the thoughts and ideas of book i. These books are very thought provoking and insightful. I really thought that these books are wonderful reads but this one is the slowest of all of them.

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Profile Image for Robert

  • Robert
  • 07-01-17

Apparently a Progressive attempt to sell world government

Very disappointed that this work is dressed up to look similar words from God when in fact it is a political statement promoting earth government! Don't be fooled; this would end not with equality and happiness , but inescapable tyranny for most of united states while the elite finally realize their ultimate goal.

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Profile Image for Tse

  • Tse
  • 03-25-13

Swell inspirational book & narriation likewise

Would you lot listen to Conversations with God Book ii once more? Why?

Yes, because it is a book that has so much information. Must put it down, give it erstwhile and than come dorsum to it when you have experienced yourself then you volition be able to acknowledge other ideas & theories.

What other book might yous compare Conversations with God Book 2 to and why?

First of its kind that I accept read.

What does Ellen Burstyn and Ed Asner bring to the story that yous wouldn't experience if you lot just read the volume?

The emotional graphic symbol that the author would had perceived, although at times I would imagine god to exist less frustrated or even aroused sometimes, which does a bit go against the fact that God sees goose egg every bit right nor wrong.

If you were to make a picture show of this book, what would be the tag line exist?

What is right? What is incorrect? Think Again!

Any boosted comments?

this book has made information technology and then much easiler for me to read books, specially during transit and have enabled me to finish Book 1 and Book ii already. Every bit a tiresome reader, listener likewise equally I had to go back and heed again and once again some parts. The additional interviews were really groovy and at better interviews than in book ane.

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Profile Image for David M. Cox

  • David Yard. Cox
  • 10-15-10

Incredible, feels true

If Neale reads this, maybe he can find out why our forgetfulness is primal? This was mentioned merely not expanded upon as promised. I would sure like to be able to retain all skills and noesis that nosotros take learned just forgotten not only in this life merely previous ones. It sure seems a shame to waste 20-30 years of every life to larn new skills and relearn one-time ones. It was consistently stated that our forgetfulness is central to the programme, and that nosotros aren't here to learn, withal with our oft failing memories nosotros must learn and relearn. Information technology was said that nosotros are here to remember, and that we know all, hereafter, past events and cognition of everything. Maybe this is what is gained through meditation, simply it doesn't allow one to necessarily practise medicine. It would be great to say I know all about any subject and it be true and socially accepted. It would have been more than credible had Neale not mentioned "The Class in Miracles", every bit the subject thing is very similar. We are constantly evolving spiritually and mentally as a human race: This series seems similar to the difference theologically speaking between democracy and tribal headhunters. Looking back with 20 /20 vision we may say later, how did we ever have such a narrow heed on theology to presume that God is limited to our mental constructs. 400 years ago we thought we could fall off the edge of the earth. I'one thousand in favor of widened beliefs. One thing has me puzzled. If nosotros be in all moments seperately, how does our consciousness seem so serially connected? What is the miniscule moment of time or awareness that each seperate one of us endures? When time seems to stand withal, maybe it'southward because this moment is experienced by many of our imagined identities and held in awe past each.

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Profile Image for Tara

  • Tara
  • 08-eleven-21

Book ane was better

Book two could have left out the random interviews and stuck with the conversation slice.

Profile Image for dfeliciaann

  • dfeliciaann
  • 11-27-20


Everything I would wish Source/God would say. Felt like truth and spoke to my soul. Hopefully one day we will all know work together as ane and experience the true meaning of global community.

Profile Image for Amazon Customer

  • Amazon Client
  • eleven-09-xx


Merely wonderful and idea provoking. I would suggest everyone give this serial a read. The narrators done a fantastic job too.

Profile Image for Shining Light, Llc

  • Shining Low-cal, Llc
  • 11-04-xx

Favorite volume series of all time

This 4 part book serial inverse my life for the amend every bit it helped awaken me spiritually. Highly recommend!

Profile Image for Barry

  • Barry
  • 09-27-ten

Re-ascertain y'all thoughts

The sense, integrity and truth emanates from every page. Book 3, equally with the other ii books, is a book that speaks, promotes and endorses unconditional love in a globe full of human made conditions. For many years I was a kid of a bottom god, merely after reading the conversations trilogy, I accept been able to dispel the outdated prejudices, discrimination and hatred (the fears) of ancient rhetoric from my life. I detect it hard to express how much happier, content and fulfilled I feel since I accept adopted the teaching from these books. They have answered all my questions about life and the universe and our relationship to everything including our purpose for existing. My vision about everything has changed dramatically for the better.
Some people may discount that these books are a truthful chat with God. Just fifty-fifty if they are only the religious concepts and philosophical thoughts of a homo mind expressed on newspaper, and then they are wonderful thoughts with every bit much backbone as you could wish to experience.
I do recommend that you first with book one and listen your mode through them objectively. When I showtime listened to them I felt overwhelmed. It?due south not easy to allow go of the negative religious indoctrinations that accept been brainwashed into us over the decades of our life. In fact, letting get of some parts has been painful, just if y'all are yearning for a spiritual awakening, then you need look no further.

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Profile Image for Dj Radlett

  • Dj Radlett
  • 05-15-sixteen

Information technology was amazing, these books accept ready me costless. I am

I found myself through the 3 books, afterwards listening to the trilogy I then play random chapters at completely random. Equally a dj I heed to a lot of music and so the tones of the readers is a big thing for me, the book is beautifully presented with both a male and female speaking the words of God, this has been amazing every bit I was able to picture a mother and father effigy speaking to me, and conversing with me. This has been very helpful in helping me improve communicate with my mum who is a devout Muslim, I accept been able to converse with her about God and non religion. I brusque these books have changed my life and I am forever gteaful.

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Profile Image for ASHISH SINHA

  • 05-31-20

Book ii in an engrossing drove

Book 2 goes further than Book 1 and talks well-nigh our Common Consciousness and our commonage apathy towards society and our Earth at large. Its surprising that even after 25-thirty years of the original publication, nosotros seem to accept regressed in Spiritual Consciousness globally and we accept a collective united states vs them mentality. lets hope and pray that God tin can speak to each one of united states and guide united states on our journey

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Profile Image for David Renwick

  • David Renwick
  • 08-27-18


Take your time with it, it's captivating but accept a interruption from it every one-half 60 minutes and just soak in what you've heard to get the well-nigh out of it.

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Profile Image for Lee

  • Lee
  • ten-eleven-17

Great book

This my 2d time listening to this book I also listen to the other series by the writer, well put together with clear agreement.

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Profile Image for Darragh

  • Darragh
  • 04-06-xvi

peachy volume!.

loved this volume. dramatic reading for the vocalisation of god is not so desireable although in proverb that I realised I had supressed emotion about that. then utilise this book and reflect on all your reactions, feelings and emotions that arise during the programme.

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Profile Image for Anonymous User

  • Anonymous User
  • 05-17-21


A deep thinking book.
All-time sentance I recieved from this book:
'' What is the meaning of life? The pregnant of live is to create the person yous desire to be... ''
I will have this sentence with me for the balance of my life! 🙏

Profile Image for Vita

  • Vita
  • 04-26-xx

lovely book

lovely book with ope view to the world. kind of incarigiging and let go of the fear.

Profile Image for Laszlo Bozso

  • Laszlo Bozso
  • 02-21-xix

Heart warming volume. Here and at present be who you are.

I truly love it. It seems like I heard it before but I have forgotten it what life is.

Profile Image for s allen

  • s allen
  • 06-15-xviii

I love these books

where I felt I didn't fit in ,I tin now make sence of. Thank you


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